That's the real goodbye. Love Rupert, like a big brother. After a few decades I'll be old and drunk all day and a new series of HP films will be in cinema. I can bitch about that 'till I'm old enough to die. That's such a sweet thing. Please do it movie industry.
280分钟Wenders的末日浮世绘 一路从西方到东方从现代到原始从城市到荒野他们于轻歌曼舞中穿越世界跨越风情万种的影像伴随着打字声走向完结的小说美女下部私密的图片无遮挡还有一首接一首迷幻的音乐哀伤和激情在迷离的追寻中弥漫全部感官掠过绝美的世界直到尽头只为爱情的幻觉 失明的人可以重见光明却只是丑陋的影像失却的梦可以召回却让人迷失其间在被梦境捕获之后Clair和Sam都凝滞在了自我的幻境中关于自我的幻觉消除了关于爱情的幻觉而对自我故事的叙说也消除了关于自我的幻觉于是虚构的世界和生活的世界迎来截然不同的结局 Present will look after itself, but it's our duty to realize the future without imagination. 历尽千帆寻回自我