追了这么多年最终还是到了大结局Lily和Marshall是我跟他的一辈子理想状态;Ted是一个呆文青但最终还是遇上了跟他一样纯洁善良的好女子;Barney以前不喜欢到后面成了一个暖男;Robin这个我不知道说什么诶这剧名真的改成how i met your stepmother吧~duh~(因为最后一集而减一颗星)
" To someone like myself, who was interested in nature,after the horrors that man had made of the battlefront, I was immensely delighted to find shell holes in which I picked lilies of the valley and larkspur, and I pursued Camberwell Beauties and swallowtail butterflies along the banks of the Aisne river. "